This assignment consists of two parts: Part 1 is Story pitch, due as soon as you can email it to me at, but no later than 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 22.

Part 2 is the story itself, due by no later than 4 p.m. Friday, May 2. Submit the video by uploading to YouTube and embedding in your blog, then emailing me the link to both your video on YouTube AND your blog post.

Part 3 of the grade is the blog post.

Each portion is detailed below.

Part 1: Story pitch (5 percent of assignment grade)

Your pitch must include the following:

Topic: What do you propose to make an “invisible reporter” story about?

Hero: Who is the hero, the central character in the story?

  • This person* must say interesting things. In your pitch, describe what you expect to interview him or her about.
  • This person *must also do things that are visually interesting.
  • *Note: This can be about a group of people, an event attended by a person or group, a relationship between or among people, etc., but         you must focus on one person in that group. If your story takes place at an event, follow that person through the experience of that             event.

Quest: Your hero has to be on a mission of some sort. On this mission, they have to fulfill some purposes, they have to overcome an obstacle, they have to do something.

  • EXAMPLE: One of you I know is thinking about a story involving the Alpha Psi Rodeo. A story about someone just getting drunk out in a field and listening to country music while trying to hook up isn’t much of a story.
  • On the other hand, someone riding a bull for the first time would be a hell of a story.

Resolution: How was this person or group changed by their quest? They might not actually complete their quest by the end of the story, if their purpose is to ultimately become excellent at what they do or dominate their industry or walk of life, for instance. But your ending can allude what they expect to happen next and how they expect to be changed by their experiences

Part 2: The Story (90 percent of assignment grade)

  • Length: 2 to 4 minutes.
  • Content: A story with a tease/hook beginning, middle, and end/resolution focusing on a person or group.
  • Story arc: Tease gets the viewer interested. Middle shows the person/group engaged in some activity. End provides a resolution showing how they were changed or transformed or what they plan for or expect in the future.
  • Editing: Combine A-roll interviewing with B-roll showing subject(s) doing their thing, or, if you’re advanced, you may let the story unfold solely through cinema verité footage WITHOUT interviews/bites at all. The creators (videographers, reporters, interviewers, whatever you want to call yourselves) do not appear and are not seen in the story. You may use titles if necessary.
  • Sound: Be aware that good sound is vital. The A-roll interview sound provides the structure of the story, and B-roll illustrates the story. You may include natural sounds. Use room tone underneath it all. You may layer B-roll sound under A-roll interview sound, or you may layer A-roll sound over B-roll footage. All the tools are available to you. You may use music if it’s appropriate to the story and if you have permission from the creator (or if the music is no longer protected by copyright or if you have other permission to use it, such as through using Creative Commons Licensed work).

Part 3: Blog post (5 percent of grade)

  • Content: In the blog post, explain why you picked this story, what complications you encountered while reporting it, what challenging decisions you had to make, and what you would do differently in your next video project. Provide links to two video stories that address themes similar to those that yours covered.
  • Length: No more than 600 words.